Our last post introduced a model (created by master life coach Brooke Castillo) that focuses on Circumstances, Thoughts, Feelings, Actions, and Results (CTFAR model) to help us minimize judgmental, negative, stifling thoughts and emotions that may hold us back from...
I don’t buy into the mythology of writer’s block. “You’re crazy, Gina!” I hear many of you saying. “I’ve felt it, been there. My ideas stink. I don’t know what I’m doing. I KNOW I’m blocked.” I hear you. And I. Have. Felt. Your. Pain. I know what it feels like...
Our fears are proficient at keeping us from writing and they are confounding masters of disguise. We often don’t recognize them for what they are. They hide behind to-do lists. They cloak themselves in victimhood and responsibility to others over self. They mask...
by Chanta Combs As winter wanes and spring blossoms with new growth and new promises, we hope you are finding time for your writing life. Have you envisioned what success will look like for you? Or, perhaps, you’ve spent some time in recent weeks writing an Author...
Last month, we introduced you to the concept of an Author Mission Statement and explained how it can create authenticity and clarity in your journey as an author. We’re hopeful that you could create some silence in your life to reflect on the questions posed in that...
January is a month of miracles. Despite the ubiquitous bitter cold and with spring still weeks away, this month is nevertheless able to engender a sense of renewal and growth. It is a time for introspection, hope, cleansing, and new beginnings. So, who do you want to...