Authors and Books, The Business of Writing, The Craft of Writing, The Writer's Life
As I was wrapping up the Story Camp Women’s Writing Retreat, prepping for the arrival of the Fiction Among Friends writers in the next retreat, and hustling to complete my blog post for this week, my friend author Rhett DeVane shared the following with me. Though I...
Authors and Books, The Business of Writing, The Writer's Life
It isn’t unusual for artists and writers—even experienced and successful ones—to pour heart and soul into a precious creative project, seeing it nearly to completion, only to abandon it. Have you done that before? This week, artist, author, and speaker Licia...
Authors and Books, The Business of Writing
Authors have many options for putting print and ebook versions of their books into readers’ hands. But have you considered creating an audiobook of your manuscript? According to the American Association of Publishers, audiobook downloads increased 38.1 percent in 2015...