It is so much more exhausting not to work than to work. If you procrastinate, you’ll feel more exhausted than if you’d created for hours. Never forget how tired not creating makes you feel.
“Later” is a myth!
By the time later comes around, only two days but ten chapters are left until the writing is due. Now, panic and stress are setting in. Life is still coming from every side, but there is no time to put the writing away for later.
I am a procrastination expert.
But what if the anxiety from procrastination has nothing to do with a deadline? In the previous “Tuesday Tip,” I talked about resistance to getting started, and while starting has its challenges, so does staying motivated. Even if you don’t have a “due date” for your writing, you can still procrastinate. If writing isn’t your career but is something you do to vent or to find emotional or psychological relief or release, then not writing can actually be hazardous to your health. If you write solely for an internal, personal reason, procrastinating may leave you tired, cranky, and disappointed in yourself.
Think of this as P.A., Procrastinators Anonymous—where tomorrow never comes.
The first thing you have to do is admit you have a problem. Hi, my name is Bonnie, and I am the worst procrastinator I know. People look at me in horror when I tell them I have an assignment due tomorrow and haven’t even touched it. Now, it’s your turn. . . . Don’t worry, . . . I’ll wait. . . .
Now, what are your excuses?
What comes after the “but” when you think, I know I have a big writing project I need to work on, but . . . (BUT another evil word). No more “buts.” Life has a habit of becoming a series of “buts” if you’re not careful. Finding out the root of the distraction will, hopefully, make it easier to overcome. Not only do you want to consider your excuses, but think of the ways in which you describe your project mentally. You may avoid writing because you’ve attached a large amount of anxiety to it that revolves around the way you describe it. Sometimes thinking of the project as a whole can be overwhelming. If the “bigness” of your project makes you procrastinate, make it smaller. Don’t think about the end game just yet. Instead, create pieces that you can get done in one sitting or over just a few days.
Know yourself.
Understand that just sitting down to write might not be enough to get you to start. If you have a “thing,” a ritual or routine, that you do to get yourself in the writing mood, DO IT! Also, know your spot. I cannot do work in my house where there are books, televisions, animals, and people pulling my attention from my writing. Now, saying
Avoid overestimating what you can do in one sitting.
Even when the next great piece of literature just won’t bust out of you, at the very least, do a task that contributes to the project as a whole. Brainstorm a few ideas, outline a section, or come up with a title—really anything that will make you feel like the project is moving.
Writing can feel like hard work sometimes—a lot of times. Especially when we really really, really wish or need to do something else, but nothing will uplift your mind and body like accomplishing even a little bit of writing
Bonnie Snow was an intern with Around the Writer’s Table, working toward a graduate certificate in publishing and editing while in her senior year at Florida State University. She is inspired by the editing field’s penchant for helping others see their dreams realized. It’s important to Bonnie that the art of editing come, not only from refining writers’ works, but also in understanding the vision that authors wish to impress upon others and fully supporting them in their fulfillment of their purpose and passion.
Gina Edwards is a retreat leader, a certified creativity coach, and a book editor. She is also a writer, so she’s intimately familiar with the challenges and elation that come with being one.
She supports all writers—published and aspiring—who want to write as an act of courageous and necessary self-expression.
Walking the writer’s path hand-in-hand with her clients and students, she helps them establish a writing practice and define a creative life on their own terms.
Something I think helps is not putting too much weight on the outcome. If you are demanding a masterpiece of yourself the stakes are too high and getting started too daunting. Lower expectations and tell yourself you are putting in a good day’s work. You wouldn’t stress over peeling a pile of potatoes, you’d just sit down and get to work. Well, most of the time writing should be approached as if it were a pile of potatoes that needed to be peeled, something you do because it must be done. Stay humble. It will help you concentrate on the process, not the outcome.
Yes, Adrian! The process could become drudgery when outcome is the only focus. The creative process that is “writing” can be so fundamentally joyful and fulfilling of its own accord. Additionally, we all must do a certain amount of apprenticeship as we start out and often that is where the expectations and demands on ourselves come into play. There is no substitute for the “doing,” sitting our bodies down and getting to that pile potatoes.