There are days when we need a good swift kick in the pants. We need someone to tell us  to get our butt into the chair and WRITE. Usually, that “someone” has to be ourselves. Then there are days when we need to be–should be–kinder to ourselves. Days of illness, our own or the ones we love. Days of tragedy or unexpected, unfathomable hardship such as the recent flooding devastation in Baton Rouge. Days when, despite our intentions, we simply cannot write. Kind HandsSometimes the distinction between days when we need a kick and those when we need kindness are glaring and blaring. Oftentimes, the difference is far more subtle. Self-doubt and fear wrap disguise themselves as external crisis. At times when you aren’t writing, are you able to step back and objectively make the distinction about which kind of day you are having? whether you need a kick or kindness from yourself? Have you noticed how differently these two needs feel inside?

Gina Edwards is a retreat leader, a certified creativity coach, and a book editor. She is also a writer, so she’s intimately familiar with the challenges and elation that come with being one.

She supports all writers—published and aspiring—who want to write as an act of courageous and necessary self-expression.

Walking the writer’s path hand-in-hand with her clients and students, she helps them establish a writing practice and define a creative life on their own terms.


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